Oh yes.
Oh yes, we can.
And the Bloginator has the pictures to prove it.
Look at them all
(just a sampling - you'll find the rest on Facebook -
and then read the thank yous- they are MOST important!)
Anna Kurtz was awarded the Graduate Excellence in Leadership Award.
Antonio Tillman was surrounded by two gorgeous students.
Becca Key, dangerous, glamorous, and in tails. Check out that mask!
If the Blogster were voting Carla Joseph just might be cutest couple
Cody Richardson with his winning skull mask and the fabulous Augustine Correro who arranged all our prizes for the costume competition.
Oh! I was wrong THIS was the cutest couple - Diane and Lou Szari!!
(Do not look too closely at that tie!)
Check out these darling Stage Managers. Couldn't do ANYTHING without them!
Dr. T totally rabbit ears Tommy Callan when he wins the Undergrad Leadership Award.
And the always gorgeous Celine Daubresse and Matt Armentrout.
Oh those classy costume kids. isn't that a alumni in there?
Josh Marin and Katie Ford AFTER they entertained us in the lobby.
Patti D'Beck and Sarah Worden lighting up the evening with their infectious joy.
Why Josh Chenard... who were those glamorous women?
Augustine again surrounded by our costume judges who generously gave us their time and comp tickets as prizes to Richmond Shakespeare, Richmond Triangle Players, Sycamore Rouge and more! How cool was that!!?
Sam Garret the master lighting designer who's work knocked everyone OUT!
Will Wacker kept the music rocking with the asistance of Luke Cresson
Sam Updike (there in the middle) took all these amazing photos. Call this man for a headshot.
Now the thank yous
David Leong - for letting us have the night.
The Amazing core group:
Blair Russell, Sarah Worden, Becca Key, Matt Armentrout, Liz Lundberg, Nicole Slaven, Sam Garrett, Augustine Correro,
Kevin Cisek, Sam Updike, Tory Coleman, Will Wacker, Matt Grisdela, Shaun McCracken,
Rebecca Brooks, Katie Davis, Jasmine Roberts, Luke Cresson, Claire Yenson
If you see these good people - thank them. It never would of happened without them.
They have my love and my gratitude.