If you are a poet - email Doug Oleski at and he will get you on the line up.
Get here at 9:15 (unless you come to the show - which is a great way to chill before the competition).
Slam starts at 9:30 - Up to 3 minutes per poem. Judged by 0-10 point system.
• 1st Place- $50.00 cash prize
• 2nd- Free tickets to Sweeney Todd
• 3rd- Theatre VCU Mug and T-shirt
Last week's Slam was AMAZING!!!
The lucky few who saw it are still talking about it - This blogster saw 2 iphone films of some of the work from 2 different people who plan to come back to see the second show.
It was THAT good!
Sign up and share... or just come and enjoy the show.
ps - I want to hear ALL about it!
Last weekend of The Colored Museum