Friday, January 21, 2011

Final Announcement for the New Year!


Theatre VCU's FIRST annual Black & White Masquerade Ball.

For you.
For all y'all.
For EVERY Theatre VCU student.

Saturday, May 7, 2011
Raymond Hodges Theatre, Performing Arts Center 
7:30 curtain.

First Meeting to create/design/organize the B&W Ball:
Wednesday, January 26 - 4:30pm
Student Lounge, 2nd floor, PAC

Here's the idea behind the celebration:

It was painfully obvious last May how anti-climatic the School of the Arts graduation was for many of our theatre majors. It was a lovely event, and families enjoyed the cap and gown photo ops...
But four years as a theatre major is such a collaborative, labor intensive, friends-for-life bonding, life-consuming, incredibly creatively challenging experience - it is worthy of a theatrical celebration.

During the summer the bloginator started a conversation with various students: designers, actors, stage managers. Asking: "How would you like to celebrate your experience at Theatre VCU?"

From those conversations the Black and White Masquerade Ball was born!

If this works:
• The Senior Class will hand this down from year to year. You will be the first.
• Every Theatre student is invited to join the party - From Freshmen to Grad Students. (it's a masquerade... no one will know it's you).
• Each ticket will only be $7.00 and will include a complimentary mask for you to decorate. Every cent raised will go towards making this evening memorable.
• All costumes will be white, black, or black and white. (no fuchsia, this time)
• There will be food, music, talent, and dancing, and a million photo ops. (disco ball, anyone?)

But best of all, there will be you. All of you - working together to celebrate the end of the year, and spring, and graduation, and summer break and, of course,  the joy of being a student of the theatre.

The challenge is: 
In order to make this Masquerade Ball a rousing success we have to create this celebration from scratch ourselves. This will be your night.

The first meeting to create/design/organize this fantastic celebration:
Wednesday, January 26, 4:30pm, Student Lounge, 2nd floor, PAC

This is the meeting that will determine your enthusiasm.
Be there... you won't be sorry,  you have the Blogster's word on it..


  1. This is fantastic! I can't wait to be a part of this! Looking forward to the meeting!

  2. Glynn,
    Remind me, I would love to be involved!

  3. Consider yourself reminded... but I'll also put up signs and such.
    spread the enthusiasm please!!
    and thanks a bunch!
