Tuesday, March 22, 2011

More wonderful advising information

I did warn you... it is one busy day for the Bloginator.

Just heard from the fabulous Ms. McCracken and here is what she said:

 Because I am awesome (and because I lost my voice and can’t call you about this)...here are the instructions for students to access the Degree Audit tool on eServices (required for Theatre Advising Day).  A reminder that these are the STUDENT instructions (advisors get to the tool a different way).  Also reminder that all first year and sophomore students need to use the instructions for the What If Analysis tool (the second set of instructions on the sheet).  Why?  Because students are listed as “Theatre Foundation” until they complete their Sophomore assessments...and you can’t earn a degree in Theatre Foundation!

Hugs and kisses


Here you go:

Degree Evaluation on eServices

1). Log on to eServices.

2). Click the “Student” tab.

3). Select the “Student Records” option.

4). Select “Degree Evaluation”.

5). Select the term (it will usually be the upcoming semester, i.e. Fall 2010, or Spring 2011). Then click “Submit”.

6). You will see your current degree information (major, concentration, year started, etc.)—look at the bottom of the screen and click “Generate New Evaluation”.

7). Select your program (click on the circle beside it) and click “Generate Request”.

8). You will see 2 options (General Requirements and Detail Requirements)—select “Detail Requirements” and click “Submit”.

9). All “completed” requirements will have a “yes” beside them—all incomplete requirements will have a “no” in red beside them.  Pay careful attention to any requirements you have not yet completed.

This is the same process you will use when you do your graduation checkout, so it’s a great idea to get used to it now!  Pay close attention to any requirements that you’ve spoken with your departmental advisor about (i.e. if you are “substituting” one course for another).  Your departmental advisor needs to fill out a Substitution/Waiver Form so that your degree audit reflects that substitution.

Thinking about changing your major, changing your academic bulletin, or switching to a different track?  The degree audit can help you with that too!

 1). Follow all of the previous steps up to #6.

2). Instead of clicking on “Generate New Evaluation”, click “What-if Analysis”.

3). Select your entry term (this is the semester you started at VCU or, if you want to change your academic bulletin, the new bulletin year) and click “Continue”.

4). Select your program.  If you want to see how much progress you’ve made in a different major, click the drop-down box and select a new major (i.e. Music BA, or Theatre BA), then click “Continue”.

5). You should see the entry term you selected and the program you selected—now choose your campus (it will always be “Monroe Park”, unless you choose a medical program), and click the drop-down box beside “First Major” (there will only be one option to select—just make sure you select it or the program won’t work).  Click “Submit”.

6). Select your evaluation term (it will be the current semester) and click “Generate Request”.

7). You will see 2 options (General Requirements and Detail Requirements)—select “Detail Requirements” and click “Submit”.

8). All “completed” requirements will have a “yes” beside them—all incomplete requirements will have a “no” in red beside them.  Pay careful attention to any requirements you have not yet completed.

An important question or two - Are we reaching ALL of the Theatre VCU students and faculty? Are you looking at the Blog? Do you care? Does the Blog help with spreading the Theatre VCU word? Does my butt look big in these pants?  How do we find these things out?

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