Saturday, February 26, 2011

Do not miss Henry V

S.A.L.T. presents...

Henry V by William Shakespeare

Directed by Anna K. Kurtz and Kerry McGee


TODAY at 2 pm and 8 pm
Not only did the actors rehearse in Shafer, but they also experienced  a rigorous day-long boot camp,  described here by Ted Carter:
The boot camp weekend was designed to give the actors a brief, intensive experience that would give them some basic military knowledge and meet some of Kerry and Anna's goals for ensemble building.
We met Friday evening and divided into three squads based on their roles in the show (Nobles, Merry Pranksters, French). Squad leaders were appointed and Mark served as the platoon leader for the weekend. Over the course of the next 24 hours the actors participated in a series of activities designed to expose them to the following elements of military training: Drill & Ceremony, Individual Movement Techniques, Physical Training, Patrolling, Squad and Platoon Infantry tactics, Tactical Camouflage, Enemy Prisoner of War Searches. 
The actors worked together to build their own weapons for the show. They ran in formation and sang in cadence at 6:00am Saturday morning through Monroe Park. The platoon patrolled through Oregon Hill to Belle Isle where they executed a tactical movement course. Although they learned several specific skills, my goal as the military coordinator for the weekend was to create a physically and psychologically demanding weekend that would give the actors a glimpse of the fatigue, discomfort, and frustration that are part of military training. These elements are perhaps more important than the skills learned in the training because it is through surviving these hardships that soldiers gain the confidence and self-awareness that best prepares them for combat. It was my hope that 24 hours of being truly cold, weary, and stressed-out would give them some insight into how a soldier in battle feels every day.
Photos to follow - when the server becomes available.

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