Thursday, February 23, 2012

Vote for your favorite! And you might win too!!

 What a great way to support members of the Theatre VCU community... a night of stand up comedy!

This weekend, Friday at 8pm and Saturday at 8pm and 10pm, we are celebrating the very original work of our own Theatre VCU stand up comedians.
This 80 minute show features under-grad and grad students coached by nationally renowned comedian, writer, coach and Director of the New York City’s American Comedy Institute, Stephen Rosenfield. $5 student tickets.

To add a little fun, to an already fun night, we are going to run a contest...
In the lobby (when you're buying your popcorn and candy) you will be able to vote for the person you are coming to see or most excited to see.  The comedian who receives the most votes, will receive 4 free tickets to the masked ball, who knows, they might even invite you to go with them.

The Theatre VCU Stand Up comics include:
Morgan Barbour
Rachel Blackburn
Caitlin Carbone
Elliot Duffy
Grace Earley
Andrew Flack
Becky Granger
Matt Johnson
Aaron Mauck
Caty Nicholson
Mahlon Raoufi
Tyra Robinson
Connor Scully
Danielle Williams

Don't forget, the valuable stage manager Sarah Worden - you can vote for her too!

We've got comedy (and popcorn) in the Hodges - and you don't want to miss this weekend.

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