Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Thank you - a great Bakesale! We need Photos!!

Thank you to everyone who assisted in making today's last minute bake sale such a rousing success!

Augustin - I will try and try again to replicate your family's recipe of spicy oyster crackers.
Thanks for the disappearing brownies Ms. McCracken, and Miss Katie's (and Sarah's?) cupcakes. Everyone who sat at the table, and everyone who accosted high schoolers and seperated them from their dollar bills. We made $77.00 and there are leftovers in the Main Office as we speak if you would like to bring a dollar to Jett.
Thanks again - you guys rock!

Tomorrow afternoon 4:30 a important meeting for the Ball - we will swing into action after this meeting

ALSO ALL Theatre VCU students please send your large jpegs to

We want to project a powerpoint of all kinds of photos from the year - shafer stuff, mainstage stuff, SETC stuff, backstage, rehearsals, senior showcase, undergrads, grads embarassing closeups, faculty... you get it, right?

WE NEED the photos in the next 2 weeks in order to pull it together. You're all theatre people - you want to see yourself on the big screen - now is your chance!

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